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6 недель, 36 ак/ч. | онлайн |
10-12 человек
Занятие 1 | TOEFL Overview, Placement test tasks.
READING:Strategies to Use for the Reading Section of the TOEFL Practice with Understanding Meaning from Context LISTENING:Strategies to Use for Building Listening Skills Practice with Understanding Natural Speech SPEAKING:Strategies to Use for Building Speaking Fluency WRITING:Strategies to Use for Building Writing Fluency Practice with Cohesion Practice with Writing Concisely |
Занятие 2
| READING: Practice with Understanding the Connection of Ideas
LISTENING: Practice with Understanding Connections SPEAKING: Practice with Pronunciation and Cohesion.Independent Speaking Tasks.Strategies to Use for the Personal Preference Task.Analyzing responses. Personal Choice Task.Practice responding to independent speaking tasks. WRITING: Independent Writing Task.Strategies to Use for the Independent Writing Task.Looking at the Organization of an Essay.Practice with Introductions.Practice with Organizing and Writing Developmental Paragraphs.Practice with Conclusions. |
Занятие 3
| READING: Practice with Understanding Details and Recognizing Paraphrases
LISTENING: Practice with Identifying Topics SPEAKING: Integrated Speaking Tasks.Practice with the Campus Situation Task.Identifying important points in a reading passage.Identifying important points in a conversation. WRITING: Integrated Writing Task.Strategies to Use for the Integrated Writing Task.Looking at the Organization of an Effective Response.Practice with Paraphrases and Summaries. |
Занятие 4
| READING: Practice with Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
LISTENING: Practice with Details SPEAKING: Integrated Speaking Tasks.Practice with the Academic Task.Identifying important points in a reading passage.Identifying important points in a conversation. WRITING: Integrated Writing Task.Practice with Integrating Passages.Paraphrasing main ideas in reading passages.Summarizing listening passages. |
Занятие 5
| READING: Practice with Summaries and Charts
LISTENING: Practice with Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions SPEAKING: Integrated Speaking Tasks.Practice with the Academic Task.Analyzing the task that relates to the lecture.Planning your speech. WRITING: Integrated Writing Task.Practice with Integrating Passages.Linking ideas in reading and listening passages.Writing responses, Analyzing responses. |
Занятие 6
| Diagnostic Test: Reading,Listening,Speaking,Writing. |
Родился в 1964 году. В 1990 году закончил Алма-Атинский институт иностранных языков по специальности "Преподаватель английского языка".
С 1990 по 1996 гг. работал в различных учебных учреждениях г. Москвы по обучению общему и бизнес английскому языку.
В 1996-2007 гг. работал в Американском Культурном Центре (г. Анталия, Турция) и Стамбульском университете, где преподавал TOEFL. Вернувшись в Москву в 2007 г., Герман продолжил преподавать TOEFL в компании Magistrategy, где и работает по сей день.
Герман разработал программы TOEFL Speaking, а также уровневые системы TOEFL Beginning (для начального уровня), TOEFL Developing (для среднего уровня) и TOEFL Weekend (для высокого уровня) по методикам ведущих американских центров по практическому обучению TOEFL.
Максимальный набранный соискателем балл TOEFL после прохождения занятий у Германа - 119. Множество студентов набрали от 110 до 116 баллов.